Sunday, August 16, 2015

Phew ! Finally, a start !

Well, well, I finally get my hands on this thing and it's been quite long and late when almost the whole wide world is into it. But as the world says, "Better late than never".

This blogging thing happened to me not just out of some over-night instinct, but out of a story that preceded. I would like to start my blog with it. It's LONG, kindly have some patience reading it. :)

I remember it was almost 7 months back, when I was at one of my friend's place, and there we were having some random no-brainer discussions on random world problems over a nice session. Everything regarding junk food, obesity, procrastination, school days, crashing weddings, bunking classes, Why-The-Earth-Is-Round, A-Day-In-Hobbiton, Can-Frodo-Do-It-Without-Sam, Is-The-Joker-That-Bad, Harley-Quinn-or-Harley-Davidson, Selfies, NullPointerExceptions, Page-Not-Found, Coldplay-and-Radiohead, Do-We-Really-Need-Batman-Or-Rather-A-Glass-Of-Beer, Being-Lazy, Does-The-World-Really-Care-About-Programmers, phew !

Pretty much everything. Then I asked him, "Dude, I am not that kind of a party guy, how do you think should I spend those boring weekends? Sleeping ? And yeah, I don't even have a girlfriend :-| ". A John Denver track playing in the background.

He said, "No ! Either drop by my place every weekend over some beer or do something even better, BLOGGING !".

I replied, "Like seriously ? Come on, I can't pretend I am one of those cool guys blogging about something like "The Science of Deduction". And there are some pretty kick-ass blogs around the world that has got some million followers. What makes you think I would even get something out of this ? Beer sounds better."

Friend - "Dude, who said anything about  Science, Deduction, million followers and all those bullshit ? Just start a blog and write anything you want. I mean, ANYTHING, buddy ! Science-Fiction, Comics, A-Hello-World-Program, yeah, ANYTHING. Screw those followers, just scribble away your time.Write about all those random stuffs we just had a discussion on. You don't need followers mate, you need to come out of your cozy couch, turn on the goddamn pc, and type something, may be about the upset stomach you had last week and how you missed the new year party. Sad ! Just do it. I would follow your blog and keep on bugging you with bullshit comments on your posts. But, first start it atleast !"

Me - "What about you ?"

Friend - "Had a blog back in college. But had to take it down."

Me - "Gosh, why ? :O"

Friend - "Posted about how I hacked the main college server and got the computer lab test semester question papers. We, hostel mates designed an intranet e-mail system for some just-in-time important bro-code communication.Sent them those question papers over the intranet. But, you know, some dumb guy in the department, who used to follow my blog, he saw this and told this to the department head. Screw, him ! Dude, you know, those guys didn't even use HTTPS and had executable permissions on the server for root user. So much glory there, you know, but that dumbo spoiled it. Now, I guess, you pretty much got the idea, right mate ?"

Me - "Whoa, that escalated quickly. But, I am not a hacker , dude !"

Friend - "No, but don't worry, mate. Kathy Sierra , you know what happened to her blog ? So, just be careful."

Me - "Yeah, I know. Okay, let's see when I can start. Will let ya know."

And so, here I start ! :-D

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